Lessons Learned From Making Over $20 Million Online
- Nov 04, 2017
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FREE GIFT: $20 Million Online, Over 30 Million Visitors… Here’s What I’ve Learned.
As a gift, I wanted to give you a very special training video.
This video is one of many from the 8-Figure Lab inside of Profit Master, and in this video I share with you the lessons learned from generating over $20 million online in sales.
It’s been a journey, that all began when I was 17. A journey I’m grateful for…
In this free training today you’re discover:
- What I’ve learned from over 30 million visitors that has visited my website (split test results).
- The page colours that convert time and time again.
- Why personalisation will 10X your sales online.
- The simple reason why you could be losing sales daily.
- Impactful words to use to get people to purchase.
- A simple process the leads your visitor to make a sale.
Plus so much more.
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3 Ways To GUARANTEE Your Online Business Will Succeed
- Oct 02, 2017
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STOP Worrying About Wasting Your Time With Internet Marketing… Use These 3 Tips To Help Guarantee Success.
Ever feel like you’re wasting your time, spending hours upon hours behind a computer screen without seeing results?
Do you bounce from idea to idea, niche to niche?
Well one of the hardest things to overcome when you first get started online is dealing with the fear of an idea failing.
But what if there were 3 simple things you could do, that guaranteed your online efforts would be profitable?
Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail
You’ve probably heard that ‘taking action’ is the holy grail of succeeding online.
I’m not doubting that in any way, because without taking action and doing the work your email list, e-commerce website, social media following or online business will never even exist.
But I’ve seen countless people waste time, effort and money on a terrible idea.
Succeeding online isn’t as simple as just ‘taking action’, it’s about what action you take.
Experiment, look through some of the last courses or training you went through and then write down potential ideas and strategies.
When you first start online, increasing your knowledge by researching as many ideas and strategies… but when you find one that fits stick with it.
Focus on that ‘one thing’ until you see success.
But how do you know what idea or strategy to choose? Read more
5 Proven Ways To Drive Traffic In 2017
- Aug 19, 2017
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FREE INFOGRAPHIC: Struggling With Traffic? Here’s My Top 5 Traffic Sources For 2017
Traffic is KING, without traffic you’ll never generate a cent online.
So I’ve created this infographic highlighting 5 proven ways to drive traffic in 2017.
Feel free to save it and use it as a visual guide whenever you’re struggling with traffic.
TIP: Choose one traffic source, focus on it until you get results and then scale up/choose another.

LIVE INTERVIEW: The Secrets Behind Earning 7 Figures Online
- Aug 10, 2017
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The Journey: My Interview With The Morning Blend
So I was recently interviewed on live TV (The Morning Blend) where I discussed the lessons I learned from earning my first 7 figures online at just 18.
What will you learn from watching?
- Why it’s important to diversify, and the lessons I’ve learned from making my first million at just 19.
- How to take advantage of the digital age, and why it can get you results quicker.
- Why anybody can take advantage of starting a digital business, and why it’s not as hard as you think.
- What I’m up to right now, including opening a hotel in Costa Rica :)
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How To Never Worry About “Writing Content” Again
- Jul 05, 2017
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How To Never Worry About Writing Content Again & Make Sure Every Piece Of Content Is A Winner…
Have you ever spent hours creating content to later find out only a small handful of people saw it?
It’s disheartening, and quite frankly it’s a waste of time…
So how do you create engaging content quickly but get people see it?
We’ve all heard the phrase ‘content is king’ before, and in this free training I walk you through the exact formula I’ve used to generate over 200,000 visitors this month alone to this blog spending less than a few hours on content.
I get it.
From creating daily content on social media to in-depth blog posts and videos, creating and publishing content is tiring.
So here’s how you can simplify the creation process alongside making sure the right audience see it.
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The Top 7 Ways To Make Money Online Now in 2017 (FULL GUIDE)
- Mar 29, 2017
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The DEFINITIVE (Massive) Guide To How Money is Being Made Online in 2017
Thinking about of currently struggling to make that first $1,000 online? Too many different systems out there to choose from?
Well, the good news is it’s more than possible than ever.
The internet’s creating more millionaires than ever before right now.
Read on as I highlight (in my opinion) the 7 BEST strategies to get started today (that also conveniently require less than $100 to setup).
FEEL FREE TO BOOKMARK THIS PAGE – This is a big resource and you will want to come back to it later.
There’s a method here for EVERYBODY and every income goal – You pick yours! #1 in my opinion is at the bottom of this post.
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The Only Way To Build (And Actually Make Money) From An Email List
- Dec 29, 2016
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FREE TRAINING: The Best Way To Get a Big Email List
Got ZERO subscribers? This is how you get your first 100 (and actually make money).
So I shot a video for you (from my home in Costa Rica) as a gift of appreciation.
As a reader and student of mine I’m grateful for the support you give and I wanted to repay that.
I wanted to give you some free training on the ‘daddy’ of internet marketing…
Building (and making money from) an email list.
What You’ll Learn In This Training
- Why email marketing is still the easiest way to make your first $1000 online
- The method you’re typically taught when building an email list and why it’s wrong
- The simple but effective ‘Audience Master Triangle’ and how it works
- Reverse engineering of how others are doing it
- How to turn an email subscriber into a loyal follower (and earn more in the process)
- Plus a little look into my abode, in Costa Rica :)
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Scaling to a 7 Figure Level: Here’s My Productivity Secrets
- Jun 17, 2015
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Giving Them Away: Here’s 7 Secrets You Can Use Immediately to Earn More & Work A Lot Less
I admit it… It’s unusual.
Running a 7 figure a year business in 2 hours work per day, with little desire to work more, is unusual to say the least.
I’ve dedicated a large portion of my time to mastering minimizing work.
... The lazy science: I.e. getting stuff done as good and as efficiently as possible.
In fact- People ask me all the time:
“George, what do you do? I never see you work.”
They’re wrong. Because I do work of course, I just work smart.
And many would say I have indeed got it down to a science. A science I’m about to give you.
These 7 life hacks are of use to everyone: Whether it’s an internet business you own OR group of dental practices OR setting up your first website OR providing services like photography OR even useful tips for studying through college.
Often people make the mistake of assuming this only applies to an ‘internet business’. That’s not true, these principles have helped many of my friends across many different industries… Because with the right plan and staff in place, almost any business can be run in a extremely focused few hours a day.
NOTE: I will not waste your time with buzz words like ‘10xing your business’, ’vision boards’ or ‘sticking to goals’. We all know we need goals, I won’t repeat stuff you’ve heard a thousand times over. I’ll only present real techniques I use every day.
So, how do I run a 7 figure a year business working less than 2 hours a day?
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